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Showing posts from September, 2017

Turning 40

40, they say, is a landmark year. Well, this year there have been fewer tears Since I've lived right Despite a few fights I've been by myself And loved the written word, Which, always, always, loves me loads Kindled everything childlike about me Living with my parents has taught me That the world is a great place to be Learned to live with positivity And exclude all negativity I love life My heart is full And i couldnt ask for more Thank you universe, for blessings, galore.

I, spy!

As I scroll down my timeline, Something catches my eye Words strung together To sound so much like my life I sit back and let my thoughts drift As I hear my heart break I imagine blood oozing Out of the fist-sized aorta And I dwell on morbid things My emotions bring me down But I enjoy the pain Coz it lets me know im alive And my soul is intact Not erased.