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Showing posts from August, 2017

L is for Love - ( A Wordrobe originally written for TTT)

I’m misunderstood most times Thought of by some as mush A feeling over which most gush By some as a fleeting grope in the dark By some as that hickey or mark By some as what you sigh over another for By some as the bond between two, which never breaks By some as the connection between two hearts that ache Like that between Romeo and Juliet But even that is now criticized  As an emotion between two juveniles There is nothing so sacred anymore Am I all in your mind then? 

Attitude Adjustment

What use is it to ruminate Think deep, sad thoughts in vain Cynicism, pessimism, They are but ugly cousins Of Depression That lead to shades of gray When what you need Are the colours of the rainbow Covering your sky overhead And bringing sweet rain.

Words I wish I'd said...

Don't patronize me!  Is what I wish I'd said  To my former 'friends' So full of themselves They were blind to their faults And so not used to having Them pointed out to them. They obviously thought Too much of themselves And too little of others!

Mean Girls

Bitchy banter Careless words strewn around Alliances made through PM and  Destroyed when the truth comes to light in group chat A narcissistic queen bee expects nothing but complicity and adulation and followers She calls them 'friends' But anyone with a spine and self-respect Cannot succumb to such devilish games You, reader, are blessed You were spared last night's Version of 'Mean girls'